using the holiday season for the big rethink
  • Do you feel like your life is out of balance with “all work and no play”?
  • Do you dream of a life that brings you more joy and contentment that you feel today?
  • Do you feel like you are a mouse on a wheel?

Life is designing you rather than you are designing your life

As professional women with full lives, we have a lot going on.  Juggling work and personal commitments can feel like we like the mouse of the wheel… peddling hard but not getting what we really want.

Our ‘wheel of life’ looks more like a ‘half wheel of life’ overly dominated with work and family demands on our time.  Aspects of life like self care, friendship, creativity and spirituality easily fall of the ‘to-do-list’ as we juggle to perform all our roles – perfectly, or nearly perfectly.

As I’ve worked with women on their careers – to create a career that matters, how they design their career in a way that enhances their life becomes really important.  We focus on how to create a career that matters that allows them to work on their terms. Often this led to a more in-depth ‘life audit and redesign’.

When talking about how their career could enhance their life inevitably we turn to the degree of support they get from their family and in particular their partner. Too often I have head smart, capable women call their partner their second child. We have ended up with two jobs – our career and our ‘women’s work of childcare and housework’ job.  Sadly, the generations that have gone before us have created a legacy that just doesn’t work in a more equal society.  It has created the additional challenge of needing to negotiate the reduction in our ‘other job’ hours.

As we think about how long our lives are – 100 years on average now – it’s time to seriously re-think, , re-discover, re-imagine, re-invent and re-design our whole lives. To make it work for us, on our terms.

Re-invent your life with the My Wisdom Life Formula™

Medical research has show that a new wellness model is needed to ensure our longevity, happiness and fulfilment in life.  This is the Cairns Wellness Model approach.

Cairns are ‘stacked’ rocks. They fit together well and at the very top is our physical health – because that is the most precarious.

Implement in your own life through the three step process:

  1. To create your own ‘Cairn’ is to explore the strengths, value and passions that you want to embody in your life, that are authentic to you. By aligning this combination to what you focus on, you create your ‘Power Zone’ which will increase your health, happiness, fulfilment and longevity.
  2. You’ll create your new life design informed by each rock and underpinned by love, gratitude, pleasure and service.
  3. You’ll create a plan, setting and maintaining boundaries with yourself and others.  Through tangible steps, you’ll build the confidence and skills to make it happen.

You can realise a happier and more sustainable way of living your life.
You might be thinking that you would love to do this but may get side-tracked by other people’s demands.  To help you focus on your Cairn life design, you can:

Ok Angela, I feel like I need to take action to take the pressure off at work.
So what can I do next?

You may be wondering:

How can I best make a decision regarding what to do next?

What are some of the alternative options that I could explore?

How do I cope with managing my workload in the meantime?

Decide what you want to do

If you are looking for immediate one-to-one support, contact me and we can have a chat.

If you are committed to making a change, join one of the My Wisdom programs.