i want to reach my full potential
  • Do you have a crippling pattern of negative self talk?
  • Are you experiencing an ‘Inner Bully’ that undermines your hopes and dreams?
  • Do you hold back from taking the next bold step in your career or life due to the internal critic inside you?

You feel like you are not on your own side

Practically every human being on the planet has an Inner Critic. The voice in your head that berates you for not being good enough.  The voice that tells you that luck got you to where you are today and one day everyone will find out that you aren’t that good really.

Many women in particular have a noisy Inner critic and suffer from imposter syndrome. That nagging doubt that there is something wrong with you. That others are better than you – smarter, more qualified, more….

Why is this?

Social conditioning has meant that women were brought up to be ‘nice’, sit quietly and wait to be asked to contribute.  We were thought of as too aggressive and too boisterous if we were enthusiastic or asked for what we really wanted.  Over time, the ‘norm’ of what were expected to be created a monstrous Inner critic.  The women that I’ve worked with have called this Inner Critic..  ‘Berating Beryl”….  “Bullying Betty”…. “Snarky Sandra”… you get the point.

From a workplace perspective, confidence has become a gendered issue and is even weaponised against women.  Often if women don’t achieve a career goal, leaders are prone to attributing it to a lack of self confidence.

In order to live our best life we need to befriend and conquer our noisy Inner critic. Or we risk not reaching our full potential and falling short of our hopes and dreams.

Befriend and conquer your Inner critic with the My Wisdom Mind Formula™

Did you know that we don’t just have one Inner critic inside us?  In fact we have ten!  Research has shown that we all have a dominant Inner Critic.  But not just that, the Inner Critic has a family of allies.  The allies are Perfectionism, Avoider, Pleaser, Victim, Restless, Stickler, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Vigilant, Controller, Hyper-Rational, .. These, along with your Inner Critic, make up your Saboteurs.  Can you guess who your top saboteurs are?

The method that works well befriend and conquer your sabtoeurs is:

  • Step 1 – Get to know and befriend your Inner critic and allies
  • Step 2 – Build mental muscles ‘in the moment’ to reduce the strength of your Inner critic and their allies
  • Step 3 – Proactively shift to the wise ‘sage’ mindset that employees more constructive capacities to take positive action

This is a proven approach to increase your mental fitness and boost your performance.

You might be thinking… Ok, I get it Angela…. How do you build mental fitness so you an conquer these Saboteurs?

Ok Angela, I feel like I need to take action to take the pressure off at work.
So what can I do next?

You may be wondering:

How can I best make a decision regarding what to do next?

What are some of the alternative options that I could explore?

How do I cope with managing my workload in the meantime?

Decide what you want to do

If you are looking for immediate one-to-one support, contact me and we can have a chat.

If you are committed to making a change, join one of the My Wisdom programs.